Here is a lovely review from Michael who had wrinkle relaxing injections to soften forehead lines and cheek and jaw dermal filler treatment to lift and rejuvenate his face. I am seeing more male patients recently for facial aesthetic treatments.
Treating the male face requires a different approach to female facial rejuvenation. The male skin is thicker than a female’s. The male face shape is different with a stronger brow, jaw and chin. The face is more angular and square. This requires a different approach to treatment as rounding off the face will feminise it.

Male facial rejuvenation often requires more product as the tissues are more dense and are more challenging to lift. Certain features of the male face make it more masculine such as the chin and jaw. These can be enhanced with the help of dermal fillers to masculinise a face.
I love the results of Revanesse dermal filler. The range is designed by Canadian company Prolenium. Their most robust fillers in the range, Shape and Outline provide the perfect products for jaw and chin augmentation.
See John’s Story HERE
If you are interested in male facial rejuvenation then call Rachel on 07967710625 for a complementary consultation or use the CONTACT US form.
Email here:
Always excellent, great professional
Thank you x