Why more men are opting for Botox treatment?

botox for men

Anti-wrinkle injections, using products such as Botox, Azzalure, Alluzience, Letybo, Dysport, BoCouture have always been extremely popular with my female patients. The treatment is also becoming ever more popular with my male patients too.

These products are prescription only products and have been reviewed by the MHRA in the UK and the FDA in the US, and have proved themselves to be safe and effective to treat lines and wrinkles associated with ageing. More men are now seeking treatment for the ageing process, and many want quick and easy fixes for their concerns.

We all know that the basis for great looking skin starts with a healthy lifestyle. Factors such as UV sun exposure, smoking and alcohol consumption play a big part in how our skin ages. For women, good skin care and sun avoidance has been drummed into us for many years. I find my male patients have often not been so diligent with their skin care. Men more often also have jobs outside and are therefore more at risk of sun damage being a big factor in their skin health. They traditionally have not been wearing makeup everyday, which even if it doesn’t contain an SPF, will protect the skin somewhat from UV damage.

All this means that by the time a man comes to visit an aesthetic nurse or doctor, his skin is possibly in a poorer condition, than a woman of a similar age. Men’s skin is also different to a woman’s. It is thicker, more oily and has many more hair follicles. Often, men will present at a later age than a female, although this trend is slowly changing, a later presentation does make my job a bit more tricky. Lines tend to be deeper and more ingrained.

There is also some subtlety in treating a man’s face. A heterosexual male will not look good with and arched eye brow and often leaving some smile lines round the eyes can be more attractive.

Men can often be hesitant about seeking treatment, many of my male patients are husbands and partners of long standing female patients. They can often be sceptical about seeking treatment as they are not used to visiting someone for treatments or to discuss concerns.

However, Botox for men is on the rise. Treatment with Botox or other neuromodualtor is quick and efficient and men love the results. So guys, what are you waiting for?

Call Rachel on 07967710625 to book a consultation or email info@aestheticnursingservices.com

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Look forward to meeting you





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