I am always so excited to try new products and techniques, especially where lip augmentation is concerned. So I was thrilled when Merz bought out their new lip filler combination treatment. ‘Belotaro Lip Shape and Contour’ consists of 2 syringes of filler in convenient 0.6ml syringes. One designed to give a crisp shape to the lips, and one designed to softly contour the body of the lip. Both steps of the procedure are carried out at a superficial depth, within the lip. This means that the whole procedure is both comfortable and extra safe for the patient. The body of the lip is given soft volume using a cannula, again increasing safety and reducing the risk of bruising.
My client, shown here, was thrilled with her results and told me the day after the procedure that she experienced no swelling or bruising!
Available at my clinic in High Wycombe, after a medical consultation to assess suitability
Call 07967710625 to discuss treatment of for prices, alternatively, e-mail info@aestheticnursingservices.com
Video HERE shows the procedure in depth.